Home A global group

Sharing: a fundamental pillar

In RK Pigments we strongly believe in sharing. Sharing means achieving something together, having the same vision and going in the same direction. 

That’s what brought us to be part of ROELMI GROUP. 
In ROELMI GROUP each company is a piece of a puzzle, in which everyone is an expert in a specific sector and specialises day after day thanks to the interaction and the share of knowledge, technologies and visions with the other companies of the group.  

Our aim, as a group, is to fully live today while also taking care of tomorrow, in terms of both people and environment.

Our milestones


Our primary objective is to improve the quality of life, combine science with an approach to safeguarding the environment, protect biodiversity, and use renewable resources. Attentive innovation and powerful research and development are at the heart of our activity.


Innovation and protection. Our mission is to create new ingredients with a focus on using 100% of sustainable resources. In a market increasingly driven in search of effectiveness, which does not want promises but concrete results, innovating doesn’t mean thinking only about the ingredient but accompanying it throughout its life cycle up to the end user.


We believe that sharing means growing. Ideas and experiences lived at different latitudes and cultures bring unique technological. Linking science and formulation skills is a booster to grow in the market, increasingly oriented towards tangible and immediate innovation.